As IT engineers we take great pride when what we do improves an aspect of society. Even the little things, like improving loading time by half a second mean a lot. Having said that, just imagine the feeling when we launch an app after 9 months of hard work and dedication and people start using it - these achievements are our fuel.

It is common among company owners and managers to think that the digital transformation process is completed simply by implementing an ERP system. But, this is a misconception, as that’s just the beginning. The question “And, now what?” follows logically.

Reactive Programming is a new declarative paradigm. It makes it possible to work with finite or infinite data flows asynchronously, allowing it to propagate generating changes in the application. As it is indicated by the title, it ‘reacts’ to the data by executing a series of events.

New technologies can be very beneficial for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), especially technologies that can improve and simplify business management processes without increasing costs. Are you familiar with the concept of Software as a Service (SaaS) and how SMEs can benefit from it?

We live in a globalized world where companies that aim to be successful on an international scale are facing a lot of competition. In order to be a fast-growing company and climb high up the ladder, you should have a large team.